Merlin MRP Software

Commercial Use Price List

You can use Merlin MRP Factory 9  by downloading it and giving it a good test run. Once you are happy to go ahead, you can purchase Merlin Key(s) to Unlock it for full commercial use with the Order Form below, or Quick Purchase with PayPal.

Start with the Merlin MRP 9 Factory Server  program. This is the foundation any Merlin MRP system

To expand this to a multiple concurrent user system, you will need to install the Merlin MRP Factory 9 WorkStation  program across your network for as many seats as you require, and add to them as and when the need arises.

Merlin MRP Factory 9 Purchase Options

These are one-off purchases of the software with no recurring fees to pay.
There is an optional support upgrade below, to which you can subscribe on an annual basis.

Merlin MRP Factory 9

Evaluation, Educational & Learning FREE!

Server version only. Restricted to 50 Resource Record Cards and 1 concurrent user.
Simply download, install and run! For installation on a single machine.

The Merlin MRP Factory 9 Server version is the foundation of the system, because it contains the Merlin Database. It does not have to be installed on a dedicated Server, though this is probably ideal for larger manufacturers.

To add further concurrent users to your Merlin MRP System you will first need to purchase a Merlin Key for your Server installation, then upgrade to the Merlin MRP Factory 9 Network, which will add Merlin WorkStations (seats) to your system. Additional Merlin WorkStations are then available as and when needed. See below.

This comes with a FREE Merlin Super Licence (see below) for 1 month!


Click here to Download Free

Merlin MRP Factory 9 Server

The essential basis for your MRP system

As above, but with the Resource Record Card restriction unlocked by Merlin Key purchase and licensed for commercial use. Your existing electronic data can be imported from CSV or Excel files, free of charge.

For use as a standalone, single-seat system, or as the basis for a network system (see below).  The server version holds your Merlin database which will be accessed by other users on your network (optional).

This comes with a FREE Merlin Super Licence (see below) for 3 months!


Merlin MRP Factory 9 Network Upgrade

Expands your system to a multi concurrent user system across your network

Provides unlimited WorkStation licences, giving access to an unlimited number of concurrent to the system on your network.

You can download and install as many Merlin MRP Factory 9 WorkStations as you need!


Merlin MRP Factory Super Licence

Full Support Package, optional anually

The complete support package!  Telephone 24/7/52; data recovery where possible, bespoke program adjustment to suit your needs.

Server only system £1750 p/a

Networked system £3730 p/a