
Learn How to use MRP Software here at the
Merlin MRP College

The Simple Flow Logic converts Sales Orders into completed assemblies, which are then dispatched to the customer accompanied by a Delivery Note and/or a Sales Invoice.

To test the software and learn how to use it, you can download it at no cost (no credit card required) using the button below [Device permitting].

Install by following the instructions on the Download page. After installation, you can immediately begin using the software following the Getting Started guide provided below. Just Scroll Down to find the course you want.

Introduction: Learning to Achieve the MRP Cycle in Merlin MRP Factory 9

Just Browsing MRP Systems, or Need to get Started?

Whether you are just thinking about buying MRP software, or want to get started ASAP, this is the place for you.  Skim through the courses just to get the look and feel of the software, and discover what it can do for you.  Or work through the courses diligently as you set up your first Sales Order and Manufactuiring Job.  Use it as a learning tool, or get to work straight away, whatever suits your needs.  And if you get stuck, or need a bit more information, we are here to help.

If you haven't yet done so, the first thing you need to do is download the FREE Educational & Evaluation version of the software so that you can learn by doing and which, if and when you are ready to go live, you can update to Commercial User by buying a Merlin Key.

Just by following the simple steps from the START HERE arrow in the Merlin Wheel of Progress graphic, you will be able to CREATE, and progress though to DESPATCH, your first Manufacturing Job.  As with all powerful industrial-grade software there is a learning curve, so if you a new to MRP software just take it step-by-step and remember, we are here to help.  Each Merlin Screen has an Information tab and a Help tab, which will tell you all you need to know before entering data, and links to the appropriate department in the Merlin MRP College.

There might seem like a lot of work to do, but it takes much, much longer to explain it than to do it!  As you enter each screen, you will soon become its master.

Below you will find departments dealing with every aspect of the software, with specialist classes within each, and screen shots to the right in each section, or below on smaller screen tablets or smartphones.

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Step by Step  Department Course Menu

1:   Learning the MRP Interface

2:   Learning CRM (for Suppliers and Customers)

3:   Learning Resource Management

1:  Learning the MRP Interface

Your starting point when you run Merlin MRP Factory 9  is the HOME screen.  It is laid out in workflow sequence, so for each new Job you start at 1. and you work your way through each step, making sure that you have the required data for the job in Steps 1. to 3.

Steps 4. to 6. take you through the Job Creation and Manufacturing stages, Step 7. is where you Sign-off completed assemblies, and enter (or not, depending upon your type of business) the completed assemblies into Stock, which automatically backflushes the WiP, keeping your Resources (Including stock) file up to date.

Click HERE to tour the Merlin MRP Factory 9 Interface.

As indicated above, your starting point when you run Merlin MRP Factory 9  is the HOME screen.  When you run the program for the first time, it will invite you to enter your Company Parameters and Busines Rules.  You can choose to ignore this for now, but as and when you are ready you will want to revisit this, which can be done in Administration tab at the top right of the screen.

Click HERE to Learn about setting you Business Parameters.

Click HERE to Return to the College Menu

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2:  Learning CRM (for Suppliers and Customers)

Right, let's get some data entered. To proceed with any given Sales Order/Job you will need:-

CRM for your Customer (tick the Customer? checkbox), and for each Supplier from whom you will need materials for the Job.
On the HOME screen click Button 1, or its twin on the Customers & Suppliers (CRM) screen shown here to enter the CRM screenNote: If you click the CUSTOMERS and SUPPLIERS (CRM) button at the top left of the screen, you will enter that department in the software as in the following screen shot.  Note the idential colour-coded button on this screen performs the identical function to that on the HOME Screen.

Click HERE to Learn about CRM.

Click HERE to Return to the College Menu

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3:  Learning Resource Management

Next, you will need a Resource Record Card for your Top Level Assembly and any subassemblies required within the Bill of Materials (BoM), (setting the Supplier Code to HOUSE for these), and a Resource Record Card for every piece-part included in the BoM for this assembly.   On the HOME screen click Button 2 to do this, or its twin on the Manufactring Resources Management screen shown here.

Click HERE to Learn More about Manufacturing Resources Management.

If you have created Resource Record Cards for the stock items needed for your first or next Job you are ready to create the BoM.  But first, you will want to enter your existing stock for the items you have created.  This must be done manually unless you ask us to import your existing electronic data.

Click HERE to Learn about Manual Stock Movements.

Managing Stock Locations and Multiple Locations for the same Stock item.

Click HERE to Learn about Stock Location Management.

Managing Stock Take and Adjustment.

Click HERE to Learn about Stock Take Management.

Click HERE to Return to the College Menu

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4:  Learning Assembly and BoM Management 

With the referential data in place, your first job is to create an Assembly Definition and a BoM for the assembly you wish to make.  On the HOME screen click Button 3 to do this, or its twin on the Assemblies and BoMs screen.

PLEASE NOTE: To the right of the Assembly Management button you will see a button labelled EDIT BoM.  This will give you direct access to an existing BoM, which you can edit without going through the Assembly Manager.

Click HERE to Learn about Managing Assemblies and BoMs.

Assembly Costing.  You will need to keep up to date the costing for your assemblies and subassemblies, as materials and production costs change.  Let Merlin take the strain.

Click HERE to Learn about Assembly Costing.

Click HERE to Return to the College Menu

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5:  Learning Sales Orders and Jobs Management

With the BoM ready, you are good to go. You can now create your first Sales Order/Job.  Click Button 4 Create and Manage SALES ORDERS & JOBS on the HOME Screen, or its twin on Administration screen.

Click HERE to Learn about Managing Sales Orders & Jobs.

Click HERE to Return to the College Menu

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6:  Learning Production Control

Let's get that First Job Moving!

OK, we now have to get our Job moving through the Shop Floor. You may have numerous work stations or production lines, which can all be added to the system and controlled, but we will come to that later. Let's keep it simple for now and get this Job done.  On the HOME Screen click Button 5 SHOP FLOOR CONTROL, or its twin on the Manufacturing Control Screen.

Remember to check out that Help tab!

Click HERE to Learn about Managing Production.

Click HERE to Return to the College Menu

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7:  Learning Job Control

Job Control deals with the administration of the Job , as opposed to Shop Floor Control, which handles the nitty-gritty of manufacturing.  Sales Orders & Jobs cannot be created in Job Control (see Section 5 above), but the screens are very similar.  Administrators only can access the Administration Screen, where Sales Orders are entered and Jobs Authorised.  Once Authorised, the Job can be accessed an managed here by other Users.  

Click HERE to Learn about Job Management.

Shop Floor ControlManage your Shop Floor Routes (Work Stations or Bays, and each prodiuction point or bay on a Production Line or Assembly Track).  This will enable the system to allocate jobs to the next vacant slot of adequate size on the assigned Shop Floor Route.

Click HERE to learn about Managing Shop Floor Routes.

Ready to Despatch your Finished Assemblies (or spares) to your Customer?  Click Button 8 DESPATCH OFFICE on the HOME screen, or its twin here in Procurement.

Click HERE to learn about Despatch Office.

Click HERE to Return to the College Menu

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8:  Learning Materials Procurement and the MRP Process

Which brings us to the Jewel in the Crown, the Star of the Show, the Main Event and the point of it all:  the Merlin MRP Engine!  You may have seen the button for it in Shop Floor Controller, where it can be run to procure all materials and subassemblies for that particular job, but here you can harness its full power by using it systematically, either in Recursive Mode, which will run the MRP process for all Jobs added since it was last run (so you might want to make it a daily or weekly routine), or in Job Series Mode, where it processes all the Jobs in the Series you select.

Click HERE to learn about Running the MRP Process.

Basic Stock Control for things you always want in stock, regardless of current demand.

Click HERE to learn about basic Stock Control.

Ad Hoc Purchasing for procuring items not covered by either of the above, whether by accident or design.

Click HERE to learn about basic ad Hoc Purchasing.

So, do you need to Receive Goods In to complete your Job?  Did you run the MRP Process in Shop Floor Controller? If so, and PO(s) were raised by Merlin, you need to Receive Goods In to Stock.

On the HOME Screen Click Button 6 Receive GOODS IN to do this, or its twin towards the top right of the Procurement Control Panel shown here.  Remember to check out that Help tab!

Click HERE to learn about Receive Good In.

Click HERE to Return to the College Menu

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9:  Learning System Administration

Users with Administrator Privileges only can access Merlin Administration.

Your starting point when you run Merlin MRP Factory 9  is the HOME screen.  When you run the program for the first time, it will invite you to enter your Company Parameters.  You can choose to ignore this for now, but as and when you are ready you will want to revisit this, which can be done by locating and slecting the Administration tab at the top right of the screen, and clicking the SET PARAMETERS and Business Rules button.

Click HERE to Learn about setting you Business Parameters.

Click HERE to Learn About Managing Users.

Click HERE to Return to the College Menu

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